Distributed computing using Beam on GCP

Since the input datasets can be large, distributed computing is key for efficient evaluation. Here is a guide for running the command line scripts on Google Cloud Dataflow.

Local execution

To run the scripts locally, chose the DirectRunner as your Beam runner. There, you will have an option for how many local workers to use, e.g.:

python evaluate.py \
  --forecast_path=gs://weatherbench2/datasets/hres/2016-2022-0012-64x32_equiangular_with_poles_conservative.zarr \
  --obs_path=gs://weatherbench2/datasets/era5/1959-2022-6h-64x32_equiangular_with_poles_conservative.zarr \
  --climatology_path=gs://weatherbench2/datasets/era5-hourly-climatology/1990-2019_6h_64x32_equiangular_with_poles_conservative.zarr \
  --output_dir=./ \
  --output_file_prefix=hres_vs_era_2020_ \
  --by_init=True \
  --input_chunks=init_time=1 \
  --eval_configs=deterministic \
  --time_start=2020-01-01 \
  --time_stop=2020-12-31 \
  --variables=geopotential \
  --use_beam=True \
  --beam_runner=DirectRunner \
  -- \
  --direct_num_workers 2

For a full list of how to configure the direct runner, please review this page.

Dataflow execution

Make sure to install the package including the GCP requirements: pip install -e .[gcp]

To run on Google Cloud Dataflow, use the DataflowRunner. Additionally, a few parameters need to be specified.

  • --runner: The PipelineRunner to use. This field can be either DirectRunner or DataflowRunner. Default: DirectRunner (local mode)

  • --project: The project ID for your Google Cloud Project. This is required if you want to run your pipeline using the Dataflow managed service (i.e. DataflowRunner).

  • --temp_location: Cloud Storage path for temporary files. Must be a valid Cloud Storage URL, beginning with gs://.

  • --region: Specifies a regional endpoint for deploying your Dataflow jobs. Default: us-central1.

  • --job_name: The name of the Dataflow job being executed as it appears in Dataflow’s jobs list and job details.

  • --setup_file: To make sure all the required packages are installed on the workers, pass the setup.py file to GCP.

Example run:

python scripts/evaluate.py \
  --forecast_path=gs://weatherbench2/datasets/hres/2016-2022-0012-64x32_equiangular_with_poles_conservative.zarr \
  --obs_path=gs://weatherbench2/datasets/era5/1959-2022-6h-64x32_equiangular_with_poles_conservative.zarr \
  --climatology_path=gs://weatherbench2/datasets/era5-hourly-climatology/1990-2019_6h_64x32_equiangular_with_poles_conservative.zarr \
  --output_dir=gs://$BUCKET \
  --output_file_prefix=hres_vs_era_2020_ \
  --by_init=True \
  --input_chunks=init_time=10 \
  --eval_configs=deterministic \
  --time_start=2020-01-01 \
  --time_stop=2020-12-31 \
  --variables=geopotential \
  --use_beam=True \
  --runner=DataflowRunner \
  -- \
  --project $PROJECT \
  --region $REGION \
  --temp_location gs://$BUCKET/tmp/

For a full list of how to configure the Dataflow pipeline, please review this table.


When running Dataflow, you can monitor jobs through UI, or via Dataflow’s CLI commands:

For example, to see all outstanding Dataflow jobs, simply run:

gcloud dataflow jobs list

To describe stats about a particular Dataflow job, run:

gcloud dataflow jobs describe $JOBID

In addition, Dataflow provides a series of Beta CLI commands.

These can be used to keep track of job metrics, like so:

JOBID=<enter job id here>
gcloud beta dataflow metrics list $JOBID --source=user

You can even view logs via the beta commands:

gcloud beta dataflow logs list $JOBID

Spark execution

Users may want to run Weatherbench 2 scripts on other clouds beyond GCP. To best accomplish this, we recommend using a managed or self-hosted Apache Spark runner: beam.apache.org/documentation/runners/spark/.

Once you have a Spark cluster set up (specifically, running on the JVM), please follow the above documentation to configure the PortableRunner on the cluster.