API docs
Deterministic Metrics
Base class for metrics. |
Mean squared error. |
MSE without spatial averaging. |
Mean absolute error. |
Mean absolute error without spatial averaging. |
Bias. |
Bias without spatial averaging. |
Anomaly correlation coefficient. |
Spatially averaged SEEPS. |
Computes Stable Equitable Error in Probability Space. |
Probabilistic Metrics
Ensemble metric base class. |
Continuous Ranked Probability Score, averaged over space and time. |
CRPS without spatial averaging. |
The spread measure associated with CRPS, E|X - X'|. |
CRPSSpread without spatial averaging. |
The skill measure associated with CRPS, E|X - Y|. |
CRPSSkill without spatial averaging. |
The variance of an ensemble of forecasts. |
Ensemble variance without spatial averaging. |
Mean square error between the ensemble mean and ground truth. |
EnsembleMeanMSE (MSE, not RMSE), without spatial averaging. |
The Energy Score along with spread and skill parts. |
The spread measure associated with EnergyScore, E‖X - X'‖. |
The skill measure associated with EnergyScore, E‖X - Y‖. |
Histogram of truth's rank with respect to forecast ensemble members. |
The analytical formulation of CRPS for a Gaussian. |
Select a sub-set of forecast and truth data. |
Configuration for input and output paths. |
Data configuration class combining Selection and Paths. |
Evaluation configuration class. |
Visualization configuration class. |
Config for each panel. |
Region selector for spatially averaged metrics. |
Latitude-longitude box selection. |
Latitude-longitude box selection. |
Selects land grid point. |
Sequentially applies regions selections. |
Derived Variables
Derived variable base class. |
Compute wind speed. |
Compute wind divergence. |
Compute wind vorticity. |
Compute vertical wind velocity, assuming the hydrostatic approximation. |
Compute eddy kinetic energy. |
Calculate geostrophic wind speed. |
Calculate ageostrophic wind speed. |
East-west component of ageostrophic wind. |
North-south component of ageostrophic wind. |
Compute lapse rate in temperature. |
Compute total column water. |
Compute integrated horizontal water transport in a vertical column. |
Calculate relativity humidity from specific humidity. |
Compute precipitation accumulation from hourly accumulations. |
Compute longer aggregation periods from existing shorter accumulations. |
Energy spectrum along the zonal direction. |
Open forecast and ground obs Zarr files and standardize them. |
Open datasets and select desired slices. |
Run evaluation in memory. |
Run evaluation with a Beam pipeline. |